
Monday, 23 June 2014

Blog Tour For Tempting Hearts By Sabrina Lacey


When a desperate woman wants a man, she’ll do anything to get him. Rebecca has no intention of letting newcomer Annie O’Brien steal Brendan and three years of painstaking effort, away from her. Knowing his sore spot is jealousy, especially where his trouble-making friend Tommy is involved, she goes to where she shouldn’t to get what she thinks is hers – Brendan’s heart and loyalty. Annie has no idea the fight she’s up against, but she’s in it to win it, and will have to face the storm that’s coming with everything she has.

Sabrina Lacey used to shoot photography and for a while, fashion. She was like Diego, the photographer in I Love My Healed Heart who worked the tents at Fashion Week. It gave Sabrina all the insight she needed to create a fantastical tale about the glamorous lives those people don’t really live. ;) Now she lives in Los Angeles, CA. with her dog Pippin. He wouldn’t comment for this bio. He’s an enigma, that one. A tiny, fluffy, white Maltese, enigma who captured her heart and ran with it. She however would like to say that she loves you for coming along for the ride.  Cheers and Happy Reading!

Sabrina Lacey’s Media Links:





Hands: tight on the wheel.
Eyes: narrow slits locked on the third floor window.
Mind: invidious machinations swirling ‘round.

People don’t know that at night when the lights are on inside, it’s like they’re on a T.V. screen for the whole outside world to see. And I watched. I watched as she opened the curtains. I watched as she talked to him over her shoulder, laughing. I stared up at her face as she drew a fucking heart on the glass and nearly made me scream and run into the hospital to drag her out by her hair.

What can I do to end this bullshit? What can I do? This can’t be happening. There must be a way to get rid of her. To make things go back to how they were.

Did Brendan mean what he said? Did he tell Tommy not to see me tonight? I would think he would have called. I pick up my phone and check it, but there are only calls I’m still avoiding from back home; Bree and Deanna asking about the banquet we’re planning, Louise wondering why I’ve not responded and what should she do next with the community garden project proposal, and the cat sitter wondering where I am.

With every cell in my being, I want to see Tommy for more reasons than to just piss Brendan off. I need his hands on me to let me know I’m not too old to be wanted. That I’m not a castaway left behind for the next generation of women. And I need to do something with this anger because it is eating me alive. I need to fuck it out. I need to fuck someone and I need to fuck someone, hard. And not just any someone. I need to fuck the one person Brendan wouldn’t want me to.

I don’t give a flying shit if it’s a bad idea. Or if Tommy’s too young for me, too. Or if Brendan will be furious. Those are all perfect reasons to fly into the hands of the devil, for all I care.

Putting my car into gear, I throw one more look up to the window, before pulling out and heading back to The Inn.

If Tommy doesn’t show up, I don’t know what I’ll do.


Date to PostBlog NameBlog URL (please include http://)Type of Post
Monday - June 23rdBooks, Photos & a little bit of everything elsehttp://ckwlofton.wordpress.comPromo Post
Monday - June 23rdTrinas Tanilising Tidbits Post
Monday - June 23rdPage Turning Book Junkiehttp://www.pageturningbookjunkie.blogspot.comPromo Post
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Monday - June 23rdWine Relaxation and My Kindle
Monday - June 23rdLiterature Litehouse - Fun with Books Post
Monday - June 23rdForever Me Romance Post
Monday - June 23rdWe Stole Your Book Boyfriend Post
Monday - June 23rdMeleth Bookaddicted Post
Tuesday - June 24thCollector of book boyfriendsHttp://collectorofbookboyfriends.wordpress.comReview & Excerpt
Tuesday - June 24thThe Bookish Laurelhttp://thebookishlaurel.blogspot.comPromo Post
Tuesday - June 24thRamblings From Beneath the Sheets Post
Tuesday - June 24thtrips down imagination road
Wednesday - June 25thClarissa Wild's Blog Post
Wednesday - June 25thNaughty and Nice Book Blogwww.naughtyandnicebookblog.comPromo Post
Thursday - June 26thRockin' The Bookshelfhttp://www.rockinthebookshelf.netPromo Post
Thursday - June 26thBibliophile Book Reviews & Excerpt
Thursday - June 26thThis Mom Loves Alphas & Excerpt
Thursday - June 26thEmthebookbabe's Book bloghttp://www.emthebookabe.comPromo Post
Thursday - June 26thBookworm Betties & Excerpt
Thursday - June 26thAnny books & Excerpt
Friday - June 27thMy Secret Book Spot & Excerpt
Friday - June 27thCheekypee reads and reviews
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Saturday - June 28thSexyways of Reading Post
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Saturday - June 28thBroadway Girl Book Reviewshttp://broadwaygirlbookreviews.blogspot.comPromo Post
Saturday - June 28thiHeartBooks by MiLo18https://iHeartBooksbyMiLo18.blogspot.comPromo Post
Saturday - June 28thBook Freakhttp://reviewsofabookmaniac.blogspot.comReview & Excerpt
Saturday - June 28thBook Happinesswww.bookhappiness.weebly.comReview
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Saturday - June 28thdeal sharing aunthttp://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.comPromo Post
Saturday - June 28thHooked on books

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